博物館的未來:恢復與再想像(The Future of Museum: Recover and Reimagine)
2/5/2021我收到ICOM Feb-Mar 2021 E-Newsletter,首頁就是今年博物館日的海報與主題宣布了!接著2/6日,我也在大陸博物館人的微信群組裡看見他們用自己的需要對中國博物館界宣布這個博物館日的主題,所以我趕快把原文錄下,花了幾天翻譯出來,希望我們了解的是原來ICOM的意義。當然,ICOM的這份Newsletter也將訂定博物館日主題的原因公布,主要是要配合聯合國大會的UN-2030的議程,以及2019年ICOM的「京都有持續性方案」。因此,在翻譯版本中,我除了保留原文請各位修正我日漸衰退的腦力之外,也將ICOM京都大會的「京都有持續性方案」翻譯版與原文版都傳給各位參考。
博物館的未來:恢復與再想像(The Future of Museum: Recover and Reimagine)
It's time to get organized for International Museum Day 2021!
The year 2020 has been like no other. The Covid-19 crisis has swept the whole world abruptly, affecting every aspect of our lives, from the interactions with our loved ones, to the way we perceive our homes and cities, to our work and its organization.
For that reason, International Museum Day 2021 will focus on rethinking the museum of the future to meet the challenges of the present! With the theme “The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine”, we invite museums, their professionals and communities to create, imagine and share new practices of (co-)creation of value, new business models for cultural institutions and innovative solutions for the social, economic and environmental challenges of the present.
自從我們接受了「京都有持續性方案」(請參閱翻譯如附件一:https://icom.museum/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Resolution-sustainability-EN.pdf)以來,我們也決定了,每年的運作都要聚焦於聯合國的這項可持續發展的共同目標上(參閱https://sdgs.un.org/goals:UN Sustainable Development Goals)。請參閱我們有關2021年的目標,以及如何實踐#IMD2021的目標以達成其最佳狀況!
After the adoption of the Kyoto resolution on Sustainability[1], we also decided to focus on a different set of the UN Sustainable Development Goals each year. Visit the website to learn more about our goals for 2021 and how to make the best of #IMD2021!
附件一:「京都有持續性方案」( Kyoto resolution on Sustainability)
Resolution No.1 “On sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, Transforming our World” Considering:humanity’s current demands on the planet are unsustainable; the planet and all its inhabitants, human and non-human are facing an entangled series of unprecedented environmental and societal crises, the impacts of which: rising inequality, wars, poverty, climate change and loss of biodiversity, are serving to amplify these crises.
Recognizing:the members of the United Nations have unanimously agreed to implement Agenda 2030, Transforming our World, to address the crises and to initiate the creation of pathways to a sustainable future.
理解到:博物館被信託為知識的源頭,都可以成為社區參與的無價資源,而且賦予全球社會集體全權 來創造與設計一個人類的可持續性未來,博物館都處於理想的地位。
Understanding that museums, as trusted sources of knowledge, are invaluable resources for engaging communities and are ideally positioned to empower the global society to collectively imagine, design and create a sustainable future for all,
- 承認所有的博物館要透過不同的活動節目、夥伴關係與運作,來扮演形成與創造一個有持續性的未來的角色;
The 34th General Assembly recommends that ICOM, its Committees, Alliances, Affiliated Organizations and Secretariat:
• recognize that all museums have a role to play in shaping and creating a sustainable future through our various programs, partnerships and operations;
- 由ICOM的工作小組啟動緊急反應,支持這項有持續性的未來,要博物館透過再思考與再形塑他們的價值、任務與策略;
• endorse the urgent call by ICOM’s Working Group on Sustainability for museums to respond through rethinking and recasting their values, missions, and strategies;
- 要熟悉聯合國這項有持續性的未來,以所有可能的方式,來援助2030年「世界轉型」議程的目標,把它當成指導的架構,將有持續性的未來結合於我們館內外的運作與教育性的節目中;
• become familiar with, and assist in all ways possible, the goals and targets of the UN SDGs and use the 2030 ‘Transforming our World’ Agenda as the guiding framework to incorporate sustainability into our own internal and external practices and educational programming; and
- 我們透過實踐肯定的貢獻,來賦予我們博物館、我們的觀眾與社區,達成2030年「世界轉型」議程的目標;告知並減低對環境的影響,包括我們要節能減碳,讓全球的所有棲息物種,人類與非人類,都有一個有持續性的未來。
• empower ourselves, our visitors and our communities through making positive contributions to achieving the goals of Agenda 2030, Transforming Our World; acknowledging and reducing our environmental impact, including our carbon footprint, and helping secure a sustainable future for all inhabitants of the planet: human and non-human.
NB: Drafted from a recommendation submitted by ICOM Norway and ICOM United Kingdom.
[1] 這是2019年京都ICOM會員大會結論的第一條(Resolution No.1):「訂定2030議程的可持續性與完成」( “On sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, Transforming our World”),請參考附件一。